Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the day of surgery (not even water) unless your physician tells you otherwise. Do not use tobacco products, gum or hard candy the day of surgery. Please refrain from alcohol or recreational drugs 24 hours prior to your procedure. Please ask your physician if you should take any routine prescription medications the morning of your procedure.
Plan on arriving at the surgery center one and a half (1.5) hours prior to your scheduled procedure time, unless you are instructed differently. Please leave a phone number where you can be reached the day of your procedure.
Please bring all of the paperwork you have received from your physician’s offices with you on the day of your procedure.
Admission and Discharge
Admission Procedures
When you arrive at the center please check in at the reception desk. You will be given an identification bracelet to be worn while you are a patient. You will also be asked to review and sign certain forms.
During the admission process, you will be asked for information regarding medical insurance coverage, including a copy of your insurance card. Identification cards such as a driver’s license or government issued identification card should also be brought with you at the time of your admission.
In order to prepare your chart, you will be asked for your medical information and family history. This information enables your physician and the nursing staff to better understand your medical needs. All information given is kept strictly confidential.
Advance Directives/Living Will
Advance directives are merely written statements of a patients wish regarding health care decisions, and may take the form of a Living Will for terminal conditions, a durable Power of Attorney for health care, or any written statement executed by the patient which expresses his/her views and choices on health care issues.
We encourage you to take part in making decisions about your medical care. You have the right to accept or refuse surgical or medical treatment. If you have questions about your rights, or wish to have more information about advance directives, the Admission Coordinator or Business Manager can assist you.
Discharge Procedures
Your physician(s) will determine when you are ready to be discharged from the center. A nurse will review the discharge plans with you and your responsible caregiver at this time. We will provide a written copy of the discharge instructions which includes items such as: physical and activity restrictions, if any; information regarding medication you are to take after discharge; and other special instructions that your doctor wishes you to have. If you have any questions after your discharge, call your physician.
A nurse from the surgery center will call you at home the day following your procedure to see how you are doing. If you have a procedure on Friday you will be called the following Monday. It is important for us to know how you are feeling and progressing after your procedure.